
If you want to receive a daily update, scroll ALL THE WAY DOWN  to “Get updates by mail!” and fill in your e-mail address. I will not abuse or sell your details, of course!


As for me, I am currently a regular columnist for the Dutch daily newspaper I (http://fd.nl/beurs/columns/lukas-daalder/) and in between jobs.


Oh, yes, and did I mention this mailing list already? Scroll down, it is on the left hand side of this page!

13 thoughts on “About

    • Ah, yes. Well, the thing is, if a put in a full email address, I am sure to get lots of spam: bots are looking for the ‘@’ sign to compile mailing lists.

      So rather than writing nonsense@morenonsense.com, I wrote it down as nonsense ‘at’ morenonsense.com. Hoping that you would deduce what the actual mail-address would be. So, if you replace the # sign for an @ in ldaalder2.0#gmail.com, it should work…

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